Father's Day: It's Origin and our Duty to Protect its Values

Father's Day: It's Origin and our Duty to Protect its Values

      Father's Day is a special occasion celebrated worldwide to honor and appreciate the significant role that fathers and father figures play in our lives. What is the origin of Father's Day? What is the importance of father figures? Let's explore the evolution and impact of fatherless homes in our society and discuss practical steps to protect and strengthen the family unit.

      The celebration of fathers dates back to ancient times. In ancient Rome, they held a festival called the "Festival of Parentalia" to honor parents. Similarly, in ancient Greece, they had a festival known as "Hekatombaion" dedicated to honoring fathers and male deities. These festivals serve as early examples of society recognizing the importance of fathers.

      However, the modern concept of Father's Day originated in the United States, thanks to Sonora Smart Dodd. Inspired by the celebration of Mother's Day, Sonora proposed the idea of honoring fathers as well, aiming to acknowledge their vital role in a child's life.

Dodd started the tradition to honor, among others, her own father, William Jackson Smart, who raised her and her five siblings after their mother died.  [The Economic Times]

     The first Father's Day celebration took place in Spokane, Washington, on June 19, 1910. Over the years, it gained momentum and received presidential support. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge expressed his support for observing Father's Day actively. It wasn't until 1966 that President Lyndon B. Johnson issued a proclamation officially recognizing the day. Finally, in 1972, President Richard Nixon signed legislation designating the third Sunday of June as Father's Day, establishing it as a national holiday.

      Father's Day, much like Mother's Day, serves as an occasion to express gratitude and appreciation for fathers and father figures worldwide. It is a day dedicated to honoring their contributions, sacrifices, and love. The celebration of Father's Day has evolved from small-scale events to a widely recognized holiday celebrated in various countries.

     By understanding the historical background of Father's Day and the evolution of celebrating fathers, we can better appreciate the significance of this special day and the crucial role fathers play in our lives.

     My mother raised my brother and me, and our father, despite being away, remained a part of our lives. As a couple, they decided that since my father had a United States visa, he could come here to work and continue providing for his family. This decision was not influenced by my existence, as I was born nine months after he left. Should my birth have been a reason for him to come back, knowing that my mother would have to raise us on her own?

      I believe that my birth reinforced that decision. There was a popular belief or stereotype that "money grows on trees" in the United States. After all, what kind of father would he be if he was not willing to make sacrifices for his family?

      Over the years, I experienced all the ripple effects of having a distant father. I witnessed the pain and suffering endured by our family, but, above all, my mother bravely endured them while shielding us from the hurt. However, it wasn't all doom and gloom because my family stood united on all fronts, picking up the slack where it mattered. From great uncles to amazing aunts, each one of them fulfilled, in their way, the absence of a father figure in my home. They were not only my good friends, but also my confidants, counselors, and a tremendous circle of support.

      These experiences are a mild example of what could have happened, however, other families aren't so lucky. Research has shown that growing up in a fatherless home can have significant consequences for children. According to statistics, children from fatherless homes are more likely to experience various challenges such as poor academic performance, behavioral problems, substance abuse, and an increased risk of involvement in criminal activities. I heard something while watching a YouTube video by Jennifer Moleski she states: "If men and a wife raise a child they are less likely to end up in jail, but they have the same statistical chance as children raised by just their father."  This a powerful statement and a call to protect the family unit.

      In conclusion, to protect and strengthen the family unit, it is essential to address the challenges faced by fatherless homes and promote the positive influence of father figures. Fathers should actively engage in conversations with their children, providing emotional support and guidance. To promote a sense of trust and strengthen the bond between fathers and their children.

      In the absence of the biological father, a male role model becomes vital. Mentors, relatives, or community figures can step in to offer guidance and serve as positive influences in a child's life. Their presence can help fill the void left by the absence of a father and provide valuable support, love, respect, and understanding. We can create an environment where children thrive and grow into happy and well-adjusted individuals. It is through these efforts that we can make a lasting impact on the lives of families and ensure a brighter future for generations to come. Let us continue to honor the Fathers as intended by Sonora because it was her love for hers that inspired her to pioneer this celebration.

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